Friday, February 9, 2024

February 2024. Already.

 RBOPC (Random Bullets of Political Crap)

  • As I write this, the Supreme Court is deciding on Colorado's ban on Trump on their ballot. Honestly, I just want Trump gone from the American political scene. I think they'll rule against Colorado, for various reasons. Roberts has already intimated that he's not comfortable with any single state "deciding" an election, which sounds rather hypocritical to me, considering the conservative's long history of "state's rights." And I can't see them Trump-appointed justices voting against him, as well as Alito and Thomas. Clarence should have recused himself on any of these cases, anything on the Jan 6 cases as well as anything that concerns Ginny's actions to overturn the 2020 election. This decision is going to damage the court any way it decides; I'd rather see it damaged by acknowledging that Trump instigated the insurrection and hold him accountable there. The damage of overturning the Colorado decision will be far longer lasting, as it will again clearly demonstrate just how corrupt this court is. And how arrogant and hypocritical the GOP has become.
  • In British Columbia, the local media scene got a major blow when Bell decided to shut down too many local radio stations and newscasts. I love what the Premier called their business practices: the encrapification of news journalism. Such a perfect term. Encrapification really does describe what too much of the media - broadcast and cable/streaming - has become & done. With the consolidation of the media over the past decades, independent news is rare while the search for ever greater profit has turned the media landscapes into wastelands. Things change, all the time - I'm good with that. But the media, in search of content that will draw eyeballs & ears (and thus $$), has encrapified nearly everything it has touched. In my little corner of this reality, it seems to have begun when TLC/Discovery turned from teaching, learning and discovery into Rape & Pillage voyeurism. That's when I first noticed it anyway. Discovery went from exploring science and the natural world to watching Guys (usually unkempt and hairy) kill stuff: forests, fish stocks, the earth itself. And do it all for profit, without regard for anything but their own thrills and bucks. And every time I think that maybe people are getting tired of Rape & Pillage, another "reality" show pops up. Which depicts somebody's fantasy, I guess, but it's really all just bread & circuses. Anything to distract people from thinking, a constant diet of junk food for the brain.  Americans aren't just suffering from obesity in ever growing numbers: we've developed into flabby-brained chits incapable of critical thinking. And angry at anybody & everybody who notices it.
  • We hit the tipping point of 1.5 degrees centigrade in 2023 - and much sooner and faster than the climate scientists expected. And the US is still arguing about that reality. Day after day we get reports of climate disasters around the world, and still we deny climate change. We really don't deserve to survive this: we're what? 4.23% of the global population, and the second largest contributor of greenhouse gases (China's #1, with 17.72% of global population). 
  • Here's one for you: 30% of the world's children suffer from hunger. "There are around 690 million people experiencing food insecurity globally, and 60% of those individuals are female."  Hunger and the Gender Gap | Move For HungerMove For Hunger › the-links-between-hunger-a...

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