Definition of DYSPHORIA
: a state of feeling unwell or unhappy
— dys·phor·ic adjective
New Latin, from Greek, from dysphoros hard to bear, from dys- + pherein to bear — more at bear
With no real understanding of what was at its root, I just felt something was off. It might be chemical - it's been a long time since my anti-depressents were tweaked. And this past summer, my HRT meds were discontinued by the manufacturer. So my new doctor said 'you shouldn't be on them anyway, not with your family history. Try Black Cohosh instead....' So meds might be at the root. Or general $hit that keeps coming. Or... whatever.
Today I got a different insight: PTSD.
My first through fifth response was 'hardly. Nobody's shooting at me, I've not had any horrific trauma.'
Shrinks are wonderful. The one I've been seeing for years suggested that The Mess certainly hit me, was certainly traumatic for me. So she got me past my embarrassment - self imposed - that anything in my life could be so traumatic that it could be called PTSD. But... if war causes PTSD, terrorist attacks, rapes, shootings - those are PTSD 1. Then it seems there might be another few levels of trauma that have long term stress associated stuff - okay. So my PTSD could be seen as relative, and maybe PTSD 47. It's given me a knew way to recognize what's going on, take steps to deal with it. To deal.
First Known Use: circa 1842
Today I got a different insight: PTSD.
My first through fifth response was 'hardly. Nobody's shooting at me, I've not had any horrific trauma.'
Shrinks are wonderful. The one I've been seeing for years suggested that The Mess certainly hit me, was certainly traumatic for me. So she got me past my embarrassment - self imposed - that anything in my life could be so traumatic that it could be called PTSD. But... if war causes PTSD, terrorist attacks, rapes, shootings - those are PTSD 1. Then it seems there might be another few levels of trauma that have long term stress associated stuff - okay. So my PTSD could be seen as relative, and maybe PTSD 47. It's given me a knew way to recognize what's going on, take steps to deal with it. To deal.
The Mess gutted me. Devastated. Then the Larry Mess in Africa, and the resulting blackmail attempts. Now, the uni is trying to ram a "Code of Ethics" down our throats, asserting authority over everything even off campus. Thankfully, the faculty blew up and has forced them to reconsider, but for me, it just opens up all those wounds all over again. Et voila! Stress.
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