In a favorite diner this morning, having a leisurely breakfast and reading an article on the relevance of Said's Orientalism decades on....
"The worst thing the Navy ever did was let women on ships."
"yeah, if I was President, that'd be the first thing I'd do - get women out of the Navy."
"Yeah, being at sea is like being in prison, only worse. And putting women out there... I know women on those ship who never have to cash a paycheck, their prostitution gives them tons of cash. That's all they do!"
'No kidding?'
"oh, yeah! That's the most important thing they [the women] do - they're all prostitutes!"
"Christ, that's just awful."
"yeah... and women in the military is just stupid anyway. You know, because no matter what kind of 'sensitivity training' bullshit the military tries to sell, you know that theAmerican man is going to be all macho, open doors, be polite - that's just what we are! So telling us not to be, well that's just stupid."
Gag. Choke. So if the American male is so damned strong that a) being abroad a naval vessel = prison and b) all women aboard are, by definition, hooking; then shouldn't c) American men are macho, polite and chauvinistic mean that said hookers would all go broke on such a ship since the men all have such amazing self control? Am I missing something here? Cause I totally get the bigotry and blindness, the misogyny and the stupidity - but these two guys are sitting in a public diner, in booths ten feet apart, being waited on by women and spitting out this vile crap - and nobody blinks an eye? I tried to glare 'em down, but they were completely oblivious. And yeah, I didn't get up and call 'em on it either, because hey. This is Red Neck country, where being offensive is expected. Well, it's okay to be a white male and be offensive. Anybody not in that category should just shut the hell up.
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