It's really hot here already. 10:48, and already 83. Doesn't sound too bad, eh? Wrong. It's hot and humid enough to produce a hard sweat within minutes. In fact, I'm sitting here in my A/C house, and just out of a cool shower, and already, just typing? I'm sweating. Part of this is hormonal - hot flashes is such a misnomer. Flash hell. Surges? Too short. Hot seasons. I remember going a couple of years without ever feeling cold: it was either too hot, or just warm. But this? This weather is both hot and hormonal hot. Doesn't help that the past 6 weeks have been spent in equatorial winter.
But it is indeed good to be home. Sleeping is still problematic, haunted by weird dreams and stress-y images flitting amongst those dreams.
L is here through this next week, and we are having lots of fun. Not doing much - eating foods she can't get in France, shopping for clothes she can't get in France - we still haven't managed a real grocery run.
Today I have an appointment with Apple Genius Bar types to explain why my Apple TV - which I adore - won't sync with the new remote. I've gone through all the websites on un-pairing the lost remote and can't get anywhere. So the hell with it - we're gonna have to hit the mall. Ick. We may reward ourselves with a trip to the pool. Back about the first of June, my big screen TV quit working, and I discovered that the infra-red sensor had died. 3 year old TV and something fundamental to the TV dies. Not good. Then I find, to my horror, that fixing it requires major steps AND a much-reviled warranty service provider. So I hooked up TV#2, and figured I'd do something when I got back. So now I'm back, and I want my big TV back so I can watch in peace. And the Apple TV won't work with the Apple TV. So I haul out the big one, and hook it up, and nope, that won't work either. So now I have two TVs in the living room - one that works okay with cable, but I can't get to amazon OR Netflix on anything but my laptops. And that just sucks, as what one does during the heat of summer is watch Netflix/Amazon videos. I'm just really pissed, and ready to toss the 3 year old big screen and get a new one rather than go through the hassle of dealing with much-reviled warranty service types. FWIW: Avoid VIZIO products as long as they have this warranty-service company. However, I have just discovered that Sears does repair Vizio, so maybe I can save a few bucks and not have to buy a new one. Wouldn't that be nice.
I'm coming to terms with the mess of the Investigation, Findings and Admonishment. L says I need to get to a lawyer and get a letter and witness statements so that I can cover self for future. I know she's right? But a big part of me wants to just not do anything and hide. I want to get to a place where I don't have to think about this stuff, not have it haunt me. So I have to do that this next week, because she's volunteered to go with me & offer support/advice. God, where would I be without friends???
You know how fun it is when you introduce friends from different parts of your life and they hit it off? I'm having those moments with L, and it's such fun! One set is busily incorporating her into future travel plans; others are planning trips to see her (at her invitation) in France. Much fun.
Hope you are in a cool place and having fun. After all, summers are about resting. Relaxing. Recharging. Recovering. Right?
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