OWM: Old White Men. Also Only White Men
What is it that makes white people think - believe - that the color of their skin makes them somehow special? Immediately more able than any other person in the mix? That any NON-OWM in a position of X is there because of anything other than ability? Frankly, I don't know many OWM who I would trust with my used cat litter, much less as a leader of anything other than stepping into a pile of shit.
A few. I know a few who ARE competent, intelligent and able to use their brain vs their ego (and dick) when they have to make a decision. I know far more of the other types - who will rationalize their decisions after the fact. My father would only own red Fords - didn't matter what a POS it was, it was a red Ford so he liked it. He'd tell people it was because they were great vehicles, but every one he owned turned into a mess because he didn't take care of it and wouldn't get it out of second gear and standard gear cars were the only ones real men drove. He told my mom that women couldn't drive stick shifts - she'd been driving them for her entire life. Women, he said, weren't smart enough. Such BS.
What brought this on? Trump 2.0. It's all of Day 3 and that fool is already implementing OWM policies. He's ordered an immediate suspension of all federally employed DEI personnel. And fired a few in various military branches. And his toadies are jumping with joy and accusing these career service members - without any knowledge of those members or their performance - as "unqualified." Trump himself is unqualified, FGS. So is Vance. And I can say with high confidence that any supporter of Trump as a leader or successful businessman is unqualified to judge anyone else. If they can't open your damned eyes and see what a con man Don is, they are certainly not qualified to judge anyone else.
They might be qualified to take a bag of used cat litter to the garbage can. I will have to check your work, because my confidence in that is pretty low.